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 Gomersal & The Great War                  

At the beginning of the twentieth century the majority of residents in Gomersal were members of a church community and the churches played a central role in village life. 

      . . . . at home      

Gomersal Moravian Minister.jpg

During the First World War, the churches were able to provide villagers with updates of the war and news of the local men who had joined up. 


The surviving diaries, Parish magazines and minute books of the period provide an insight into how the Gomersal churches helped with the wellbeing of the community.

The churches were also very much involved in organising fundraising events, concerts and collections for various causes.

West View Wesleyan Reform Chapel, Gomers
Grove_Oxford rd, Gomersal.jpg

Our Young Men’s Class have organised a concert which was the means of raising the sum of £6 which was divided between the Local Relief Fund and the local Belgian Relief Fund.


[Grove Congregational Church, Annual Report for 1914]

It was resolved that we place a box in the porch for contributions towards the Belgian Refugees Fund.  


 [West View Methodist Church – November 1914]

St Mary_Parish Church Gomersal.jpg

…Two Rolls of Honour handsomely framed to be placed in Gomersal Church.  One is for the purpose of recording the names of all Gomersal men who have joined his Majesty’s forces; and the other will record the names of those who have given their lives for their Country.  


[St. Mary’s Church Parish Magazine – October 1916]

The fateful news was brought that Germany has declared war on Russia and had invaded the French territory, and also that Britain was mobilising!  A feeling of profound anxiety brooded over us in the Services and prayers offered that Divine Providence might be given throughout this critical time.


[Moravian Minister’s Diary – 3rd August 1914

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